Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Answer...

Selena Gomez came to Malaysia with her lovely boyfriend Justin Bieber. Pictures were took in the airport with them holding hands and covering their faces. Fans of Justin were there and were dancing. Hitz.Fm deejay Ryan was there asking Justin's fans what are they gonna do when they see Justin.

They leader said " We are going to dance until he comes to us " with her friends shouting like mad. I have read that fans from U.S box Selena Gomez in the face!! Wow!!! Naughty fans... In the car, a reporter spotted Justin Bieber shows the middle finger to his fans. Mmm... naughty boy and drove off.

Bloggers who lies, they said that Justin Bieber sang half-way on stage and ran back stage because his cute voice has change while singing 'Somebody To Love'. Actually its a lie!! I found out the proof that actually not! I too asked my friend about it! They said no way!

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